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Accessible sensory integration therapy for the home.

The Sensi was inspired by the research we conducted through personal meetings, e-mails, and phone calls with special needs assistant (SNA) professionals, parents of children with autism, and teachers in special needs schools. Through our research, we discovered that one of the most effective therapies for sensory processing disorder and autism is sensory integration therapy and the use of sensory rooms.


Sensory rooms are extremely beneficial for children with autism as they allow them to build up tolerances to different experiences and sensations in a controlled environment. One parent told us that she saw a noticeable difference in her son's behavior if he had experienced sensory integration that day. His behavior would be much calmer, and he seemed more grounded. Martina, the child's mother, was considering installing a sensory room in her home as she felt it would benefit her son.


However, installing a sensory room at home is not something everyone can do or afford. From our research, we realized that most parents of children with autism are price-conscious. Therefore, we decided to come up with something that could be similar to a sensory room, yet much cheaper and easier to construct.

The Sensi is a pop-up therapy structure that aims to introduce sensory room environments into personal homes or school environments that do not have the necessary resources to build a sensory room for every student in need. It's relatively cheap, easy to set up, and compact to store.


The Sensi includes RGB LED's and soft elector-luminescent lighting. It also has a variety of removable panels with different textures. The Sensi allows a child to roll around within the structure to experience different textures on each face. The structure is sound-dampening and isolates the user from all unwanted noise from outside.

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